Wednesday, April 13, 2011
it has been a while
yes indeed it has been a long long while. i havent been blogging although i promised to. i dunno why i decided to pop by today. after more than a year. i have forsaken this place for there are more places for me to talk about my daily life now. like fb and twitter. i go there more often than here even though they are not on my bookmark, and this place is. how ironic.
anyways there are lotsa good news this year. such as news from universities. actually i guess that's the only good news so far. like exceptionally good news.
this year so far, has been good to me. other than the fact that i am more or less jobless. running errands here and there.
i havent been writing for so long, i thought i'll have a lot to write, but i guess not. so i shall end here. and i dunno when i'll be back. rahh. tatax~
tongx dreamt at 4:27 PM
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
after so long..
in the end i nv blog for 2 months and 13 days.. oh well, what to do, it had been a horrendous 2 months and 13 days! so much projects and work and tests.. not that there are no more tests. there are indeed no more projects la, except presentations. but still got tests and stuff, BOO! and exams are coming up soon!
and im most most MOST probably going VIET NAM! yay.. very excited but also very scared.. gosh, i'll miss my giant pig! ): baby, it's time for you to get webcam, if not we cannot skype..
anyway it's just a mini update, will be updating more frequently, i think.. but i still have exams la, so maybe not THAT frequent after all.. (X tatax~
tongx dreamt at 12:53 AM
Friday, November 13, 2009
rain rain go away
it's been raining a lot lately, including today, where by right it is my half day, and i get to go home early. but thanks to the rain, i have to stay in school and do OB tutorial. haha! but i shall be a good girl and do my tutorial while waiting for giant pigs!
im sleepy and there's test next week. projects are slowly streaming in. which sucks. im feeling stressed yet dunno what to do. i guess i'll have to get myself prepared, mentally AND physically, now!
im sleepy and tired thanks to the heavy lunch and the rainy, gloomy day..
oh oh! it is friday the 13! unlucky day. but what the hell, i didnt even notice till someone said so during lecture.
tired and slpy, tired and slpy!
actually i don't really have much to update now, just random stuff! i wonder how long can i continue this weekly update thingie. oh wells! shall be a good girl and finish my tutorial and maybe do some research for projectsss..
that's all folks, tatax~
tongx dreamt at 4:08 PM
Thursday, November 05, 2009
oooooh, it's econs again.. sian! and im doing my weekly blogging! (:
school printer sucks, i hope my home printer will recover soon, but i dunno how to help it lehs. and my sis isnt doing anything about it. what the.
watched my sister's keeper last week. quite nice. kept crying throughout the movie. it's nice except the ending is different from the book, boo. oh well!
going to watch movie later again. this is it. we like macam watching movie every week. die. waste a lot of money liddat..
anyway im feeling a lil pressure from sch, just that im still not doing anything about it. it is those feel pressured but dunno what to do kinda feeling. which is like sian! hais.
oh well time for lesson. tatax~
tongx dreamt at 10:40 AM
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
my random rantings again
i hate it when come irritating and inconsiderate beings simply ignore the fellow commuters, and block the whole excalator. i mean what the hell la. just for your own convenience, coz you wanna talk then you block the whole place. you're not paiseh one meh. irritating lor. i even purposely walk loudly behind them, coming down the escalator a bit, but they don't seem to get it. either they did it on purpose, or they are just very bueh zi dong.. which irritates me like even more. these ppl are simply getting on my nerves! damn.
anyway, am in school slacking away before lecture starts. am kinda bored now, but in a few weeks'/days' time i wont be anymore, coz all the projects are coming. and somehow i feel a lil unprepared. die.. but im sure things will turn out fine. well or at least i hope.
i realised i have a lot of other things to do, such as LIV (though im not all that involved) coz performance is coming and rehearsals are coming up AND we are not all that prepared. die die..
THEN there is the script that im supposed to be completing. stress on that, coz it's not completed YET! and i really wanna be involved this time, but i don't think i'll have the time/energy. and i cant find a director for my script. die die die..
damn, so many happenings. actually it is not that many la, but i wanna do well with everything then it is a bit tough on myself and my poor body.. i just managed to put on a bit of a weight, dun wanna lose it again..
im actually quite tired everyday. coz i don't really get to rest during the weekends. except sat, maybe get to slp a lil longer, but i'll go out late and need to wake up slightly earlier on sunday for LIV and other stuff, and i'll go home late on sunday, leaving me with less rest on weekends! HAIS. weekdays needless to say la. and if tuition resumes on sat, it will be disastrous for me. but i feel some sense of responsibility for her leh. although i must admit i don't think i did much la. oops.
oh very well, shall go find some little corner to rest for a while before lecture begins. tatax~
tongx dreamt at 10:15 AM