Friday, November 13, 2009
rain rain go away
it's been raining a lot lately, including today, where by right it is my half day, and i get to go home early. but thanks to the rain, i have to stay in school and do OB tutorial. haha! but i shall be a good girl and do my tutorial while waiting for giant pigs!
im sleepy and there's test next week. projects are slowly streaming in. which sucks. im feeling stressed yet dunno what to do. i guess i'll have to get myself prepared, mentally AND physically, now!
im sleepy and tired thanks to the heavy lunch and the rainy, gloomy day..
oh oh! it is friday the 13! unlucky day. but what the hell, i didnt even notice till someone said so during lecture.
tired and slpy, tired and slpy!
actually i don't really have much to update now, just random stuff! i wonder how long can i continue this weekly update thingie. oh wells! shall be a good girl and finish my tutorial and maybe do some research for projectsss..
that's all folks, tatax~
tongx dreamt at 4:08 PM
Thursday, November 05, 2009
oooooh, it's econs again.. sian! and im doing my weekly blogging! (:
school printer sucks, i hope my home printer will recover soon, but i dunno how to help it lehs. and my sis isnt doing anything about it. what the.
watched my sister's keeper last week. quite nice. kept crying throughout the movie. it's nice except the ending is different from the book, boo. oh well!
going to watch movie later again. this is it. we like macam watching movie every week. die. waste a lot of money liddat..
anyway im feeling a lil pressure from sch, just that im still not doing anything about it. it is those feel pressured but dunno what to do kinda feeling. which is like sian! hais.
oh well time for lesson. tatax~
tongx dreamt at 10:40 AM